The following is the Barotseland Agreement dated 19th May 1964 and produced by HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE.
Presented to parliament by the secretary for commonwealth relations by command of her majesty - May 1964
Following talks in London between the British Government, the Government of Northern Rhodesia and The Litunga of Barotseland; an Agreement regarding the position of Barotseland within independent Northern Rhodesia was concluded at the commonwealth Relations office on 18 th May, 1964. It is entitled, "The Barotseland Agreement 1964". It was signed by Dr.K.D.Kaunda, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia, by Sir Mwanawina Lewanika III,K.B.E Litunga of Barotseland and by the Right Honourable Duncan Sandys M.P Secretary of State for common wealth Relations and for the colonies signifying the approval of Her Majesty's Government.
The text of the Agreement is attached as the Appendix to this paper.
19th May, 1964.This Agreement is made this eighteenth day of May, 1964 between KENNETH DAVID KAUNDA, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia of the one part and SIR MWANAWINA LEWANIKA THE THIRD ,K.B.E., Litunga of Barotseland, acting on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors, his council, and the chiefs and people of Barotseland of the other party is signed by the Right Honourable Duncan Sandys, M.P Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for common wealth relations and for the colonies, to signify the approval of her majesty's government in the united kingdom of the arrangements entered into between the parties to this agreement and recorded therein.
Whereas it was proposed that the northern Rhodesia shall become an independent sovereign state to be known as the republic of Zambia.
And where as it is the wish of the government of northern Rhodesia and of the Litunga of Barotseland,his council and the chiefs and people of Barotseland that northern Rhodesia should proceed to independence as one country and that all its peoples should be one nation:
And where, as having regard to the fact that all treaties and other agreements subsisting between her majesty the queen of the United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland and The Litunga of Barotseland will terminate when Northern Rhodesia becomes an independent sovereign republic and her majesty's government in the United Kingdom will there upon cease to have any responsibility for the government of Rhodesia including Barotseland. It is the wish of the government of northern Rhodesia and of The Litunga of Barotseland to enter into arrangements concerning the position of Barotseland as part of the republic of Zambia to the place of the treaties and other agreements hitherto subsisting between Her Majesty the Queen and The Litunga of Barotseland:
And whereas on the sixteenth day of April,1964 a provisional agreement was concluded at Lusaka with purpose and it is the desire of the government of northern Rhodesia and The Litunga, acting after consultation with his council to conclude a permanent agreement with this purpose:
NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH and it is hereby agreed between the said Kenneth David Kaunda, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia, on behalf of the government of Northern Rhodesia and the said Sir Mwanawina Lewanika the Third, K.B.E., Litunga of Barotseland on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors ,his Council and the chiefs and the people of Barotseland as follows:-
- Citation and commencement
This agreement may be cited as the Barotseland Agreement 1964 and shall come into force on the day on which Northern Rhodesia, including Barotseland, becomes the independent sovereign Republic of Zambia.- The Constitution of Zambia
and those provisions shall have full force and effect in Barotseland.
- The constitution of the republic of Zambia shall include the provisions agreed upon for the inclusion herein at the constitutional conference held in London in May, 1964 relating to:-(a) the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual;
- the judiciary; and
- the public service
- Administration of Justice
- Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the people of Barotseland shall be accorded the same rights of access to the high court of the republic of Zambia as are accorded to other citizens of the Republic under the laws for the time being in force in the Republic and a judge or judges of the high court selected from among the judges who normally sit in Lusaka shall regularly proceed on circuit in Barotseland at each intervals as the due administration of justice may require.
- The people of Barotseland shall be accorded the same rights of appeal from the decisions of the courts of the Republic of Zambia as are accorded to other citizens of the Republic under the laws for the time being in force in the Republic.
- The Litunga and His Council
- The government of the republic of Zambia will accord recognition as such to the person who ois for the time The Litunga of Barotseland under the customary law of Barotseland.
- The Litunga of Barotseland, acting after consultation with his Council as constituted for the time being under the customary law of Barotseland shall be the principal local authority for the government and administration of Barotseland.
- The Litunga of Barotseland, acting after consultation with his Council, shall be authorised and empowered to make laws for Barotseland in relation to the following matters, that is to say-
- The Litungaship;
- The authority at present known as the Barotse Native Government (which shall hereafter be known as the Barotse Government);
- The authorities at present known as Barotse Native Authorities;
- The courts at present known as Barotse Native Courts;
- The status of the members of the Litunga's Council;
- matters relating to local government;
- land;
- forests;
- traditional and customary matters relating to Barotseland alone;
- fishing;
- control of hunting;
- game preservation;
- control of bush fires;
- the institution at present known as the Barotse native treasury;
- the supply of beer;
- reservation of trees for canoes;
- local taxation and matters relating thereto; and
- Barotse local festivals.
- Land
- In relation to land in Barotseland the arrangements set out in the annex hereto shall have effect.
- In particular, the Litunga of Barotseland and his Council shall continue to have the powers hitherto enjoyed by them in respect of land matters under customary law and practice.
- The courts at present known as the Barotse Native Courts shall have original jurisdiction(to the exclusion of any other court in the republic of Zambia)in respect of matters concerning rights over or interests in land in Barotseland to the extent that those matters are governed by the customary law of Barotseland:
Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting the jurisdiction and powers of the High Court of the Republic of Zambia in relation to writs or orders of the kind at present known as prerogative of writs or orders.- Save with the leave of the court at present known as the Saa- Sikalo Kuta, no appeal shall lie from any decision of the courts at present known as the Barotse Native Courts given in exercise of the jurisdiction referred to in paragraph (3) of this article to the High Court of the Republic of Zambia.
- Civil Servants
All public officers of the Government the Republic of Zambia who may from time to time be situated in Barotseland shall be officers serving on permanent and pensionable terms.- Financial Responsibility
The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall have the same general responsibility for providing financial support for the administration and economic development of Barotseland as it has for other parts of the Republic and shall ensure that, in discharge of this responsibility, Barotseland is treated fairly and equitably in relation to other parts of the Republic.- Implementation
The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that the laws for the time being in force in the Republic are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.- Interpretation
Any question concerning the interpretation of this Agreement may be referred by the Government of the Republic of Zambia to the High Court of the Republic for consideration (in which case the opinion thereon of the Court shall be communicated to that Government and to the Litunga of Barotseland and his Council) and any such question shall be so referred if the Litunga, acting after consultation with his Council, so requests.- Revocation
The herein before recited Agreement of the sixteenth day of April, 1964 is hereby revoked.In witness whereof the parties hereto
Have hereunto set their hands in the
Presence of:K.D.KAUNDA Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia (Signed)
E.D. HONE Governor of Northern Rhodesia (Signed)(Signed) IMENDA SIBANDI Ngambela of Barotseland
MWANAWINA LEWANIKA III Litunga of Barotseland
Signed by the Right Honourable Duncan Sandys in the presence of :- (Signed)
Parliamentary Under Secretary of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
State for Commonwealth Relations of State for Common wealth Relations And for the Colonies And for the ColoniesANNEX TO THIS AGREEMENT
- The Litunga and National Council of Barotseland have always worked in close co-operation with the Central Government over land matters in the past have agreed that the Central government should use land required for public purposes, and have adopted the same procedures as apply to leases and rights of occupancy in the Reserves and Trust Land areas, where applicable. At the same time, the administration of land rights in Barotseland under customary law and practice has been under the control of the Litunga and National Council in much the same way as customary land rights are dealt with in the Reserves and Trust Land areas.
- In these circumstances it is agreed that the Litunga should continue to have the greatest measure of responsibility for administering land matters in Barotseland. It is however, necessary to examine the position of land matters in Barotseland against the background of the Northern Rhodesia Government's overall responsibility for the territory.
- The Barotse memorandum has indicated that Barotseland should become an integral part of Northern Rhodesia. In these circumstances the Northern Rhodesia Government will assume certain responsibilities and to carry these out they will have to have certain powers. so far as land is concerned, apart from confirmation of wide powers the Litunga over customary matters ,the position is as follows:-
- The Northern Rhodesia Government does not wish to derogate from any of the powers exercised by the Litunga and Council in respect of land matters under customary law and practice.
- The Northern Rhodesia Government would like to ensure that the provision of public services and the responsibility of economic development in Barotseland are not hampered by special formalities.
- The Northern Rhodesia Government recognises and agrees that full consultation should take place with the Litunga and Council before any land in Barotseland is used for public purposes or in the general interests of economic development.
- The position regarding land in Barotseland in an independent Northern Rhodesia should ,therefore, be as follows:-
- There should be the same system for land administration for the whole of Northern Rhodesia including Barotseland, that is, the Government Lands Department should be responsible for professional advice and services with regard to land alienation in all parts of Northern Rhodesia and that the same form of document should be used for grants of land (i) for Government purposes and (ii) for non-Government and non-customary purposes. The necessary preparation of the title documents should be done by the Government Lands Department.
- The Litunga and National Council of Barotseland will be charged with the responsibility for administering Barotse customary land law within Barotseland.
Printed in England and published by
Barotseland Agreement 1964; Silozi Version
TUMELELANO YA MULONGA WA BULOZI, MUBUSO WA NORTHERN RHODESIA NI MUSO WA GREAT BRITAIN 1964TUMELELANO YE YA EZWA ka lizazi la 18 Kandao 1964 mwa hal’a Kenneth David Kaunda, Ngambela wa naha ya Northern Rhodesia, ka ku yemela Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia, ni Mulena yo Muhulu, Sir Mwanawina Lewanika 111, Litunga wa Bulozi, ka ku yemela Malena kaufela ba ba ta yola mwa mulaho wa hae, Mulonga, Manduna mane ni sicaba kaufela sa Bulozi, ni ku nyatelwa ki Mutompehi Duncan Sandys Mun’oli yo muhulu ya n’a talima za silikani sa manaha a n’a li mwa tas’a puso ya England ili ku bonisa ku lumelwa kwa litukiso ze kenwi ku zona mwa hal’a mibuso ye, ili ze tatama:--Hailikamo ku kakanywa kuli naha ya Northern Rhodesia i ipuse ka libizo la Zambia-Mi hailikamo ki takazo ya Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia ni Litunga wa Bulozi kuli naha ya Northern Rhodesia i lukuluhe ili naha iliňwi ni mishobo kaufela ye mwa teňi i fetuhe sicaba silisiňwi,-Mi hailikamo litumelelano kaufela ze li teňi mwa hal’a Queen wa England ni Litunga wa Bulozi li ka fela Northern Rhodesia i sa fumana fela tukuluho mi Muso wa England ha u sa tola u ba ni buikalabelo fa halimu’a Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia hamoho cwalo ni Mulonga wa Bulozi. Mi takazo ya Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia ni Litunga wa Bulozi, ku eza litukiso ze ama buino bwa Bulozi, bu li kalulo ya Zambia ili ze ka yola litumelelano ni litukiso ze ňwi kaufela ze li teňi mwa hal’a Queen wa England ni Litunga wa Bulozi.-Mi cwale ka la 16 Lungu 1964 mwa Lusaka kwa fitwa fa tumelelano ya swalelele ka ona muhupulo woo ya feliswa mi ya ba takazo ya Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia hamoho cwalo ni Litunga wa Bulozi kasamulaho wa ku ambolisana ni Mulonga kuli ku fitwe fa tumelelano ye tiile ya ona muhupulo woo.-Cwale ka ku ya ka tumelelano ye n’e bile teňi mwa hal’a Kenneth David Kaunda, Ngambela wa naha ya Northern Rhodesia ka ku yemela Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia ni Mulena yo Muhulu ,Sir Mwanawina Lewanika 111 KBE, Litunga wa Bulozi ni Malena ba ba ka yola mwa mulaho wa hae kaufela, Mulonga mane ni sicaba sa Bulozi, kwa lumelelwana sina cwana:-1. Libizo la tumelelano ni makalelo a yonaTumelelano ye i ka zibwa ka libizo la ‘’Tumelelano ya Bulozi 1964’’- mi tumelelano ye i ka kala ku sebeza Northern Rhodesia hamoho cwalo ni Bulozi ha li ka fumana tukuluho ka libizo la Zambia.2. Mutomo wa naha ya ZambiaMutomo wa naha ya Zambia u ta kopanya lingambolo ze n’e lumelelwani ku zona ze ne li beilwe kwa lingambolo za mukopano o mutuna o n’o talima za mutomo mwa London ka May 1964 ili zeo:-a. Silelezo ya liswanelo za mutu ni tukuluho ya maňi ni maňib. Likutac. Misebezi ya nyangelaMi zeo kaufela li ka sebeza mwa Bulozi.
3. Zamaiso ya Likutaa. Ka ku ya ka litumelelano ze batu ba Bulozi ba ka bani liswanelo ze swana ni ba baňwi kaufela za ku ya kwa High Court ya naha ya Zambia ka ku ya ka Mulao o li teňi mwa naha, mi muatuli yo muhulu yena Judge kapa ma-Judge ba ba ka ketwangwa ku atula mwa Lusaka ba ka na ba tahanga ni mwa Bulozi ka linako ze ňwi ha ba tokwahala.b. Batu ba Bulozi ba ta ba ni liswanelo za ku inga buipelezo mwa likuta kaufela za Zambia sina ba baňwi kaufela, sina mo u bulelela Mulao o’ li teňi mwa naha.
4. Litunga ni Mulongaa. Mubuso wa Zambia u ta kuteka ya ta ba Litunga wa Bulozi kaufela ka ku ya ka Sizo sa Silozib. Litunga wa Bulozi ka swalisano ni Mulonga sina mo ku inezi mwa Sizo sa Silozi i ta ba yena mufelelezi mwa litaba za Bulozic. Litunga wa Bulozi ka swalisano ni Mulonga u ka lumelelwa ku ba ni maata a ku toma Milao ya Bulozi ye cwale ka ye:-i. Bulenaii. Maata fa litaba za puso ya Bulozi ye bizwa ka libizo la Barotse Native Government (ye ta zibwa kasamulaho ka libizo la Barotse Government).iii. Zamaiso ya Barotse Native Authorities (Milonganyana)iv. Likuta ze bizwa Barotse Native Courtsv. Litulo za Manduna ba Mulongavi. Litaba kaufela ze ama zamaiso ya lilalovii. Mubuviii. Mishituix. Litaba za Simuluho ni Sizo ze ama feela Bulozix. Buyambi (Bundui)xi. Silelezo ya lifolofolo ze mwa naheňixii. Silelezo kwa mililoxiii. Panga ya Bulozi ye n’e zibwa ka libizo la Barotse Native Treasuryxiv. Bucwalaxv. Silelezo ya likota ze betwa mikoloxvi Mutelo ni ze zamaya ni onaxvii Mikiti ya Silozi
5. MubuHaili ka za mubu mwa Bulozi ku ta sebeza litukiso zeo ze tatama:-1. Litunga yena kasibili ni Mulonga wa hae ba ta zwelapili ku ba ni maata e ba na ni ona fa litaba za mubu ka ku ya ka Mulao wa Sizo sa bona.
2. Likuta ze n’e bizwa Barotse Native Courts li ta siyala cwalo ni maata a zona sina pili (ili ku fapahana ni likuta zeňwi kaufela mwa Zambia) mwa litaba ze ama liswanelo ni litukelo za mubu mwa Bulozi kakuli litaba kaufela za mubu mwa Bulozi li zamaiswa ka Sizo, ibile fela ku ze bulezwi fa kusina se si ka palelwisa Kuta ye tuna ya High Court ku ba ni maata.
3. Hakuna taba ya mubu ye kona ku zwa mwa likuta ze nyinyani ze bizwa Barotse Native Courts ka buipelezo ku ya mwa High Court li si ka fita mwa Saa-Sikalo.6. Mabeleki ba MubusoBabeleki ba Mubuso kaufela ba ba ka na ba sebelezanga mwa Bulozi i ta ba ba ba sebeleza ‘pension’.7. Maata fa SifumuMubuso wa Zambia u ta na u sulanga mali a ku tusa mwa zamaiso ni zwelopili ya sifumu sa Bulozi, sina mo ta tusezanga mwa mabaka a maňwi a naha. Mi Mubuso wa Zambia u ta bona kuli mwa ku eza cwalo Bulozi bu ta na bu fiwangwa kabelo ye swana ni libaka zeňwi za Zambia.8. MusebelezoMubuso wa Zambia u ta inga mihato ye swanela ku bona kuli Milao ye li teňi mwa naha ha i lwanisi litumelelano ze.9. TolokoHa ku na ni puzo ye ama toloko ya Tumelelano ye, i kona ku pahekwa ki Mubuso wa Zambia kwa High Court ya Zambia ku yo nyakisiswa (mi kamukwa ‘o cwalo High Court i ta zibisa Mubuso wa Zambia ni Litunga wa Bulozi ni Mulonga wa hae mubonelo wa yona). Mi puzo ya mufuta o’cwalo i ta iswa fela kwa Muso ni High Court haiba Litunga ka ku lelisana ni Mulonga ba kupa cwalo.10. Ku feliswaTumelelano ye n’e ezizwe la 16 Lungu 1964 i felisizwe kwa siyala ya la 18 Kandao 1964 ya kwa London.Tumelelano ye i nyatezwi ni ku pakwa ki ba ba tatama:-SIR EVELYN D. HONE KENNETH DAVID KAUNDA(Governor wa Northern Rhodesia) (Ngambela wa Northern Rhodesia)IMENDA SIBANDI SIR MWANAWINA LEWANIKA III(Ngambela wa Bulozi) (Litunga (King) wa Bulozi)RICHARD HORNBY DUNCAN SANDYS(Parliarmentary Under Secretary of State for (Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of StateCommonwealth Relations and the Colonies) for Commonwealth Relations and the Colonies)Ze ekelizwe kwa Tumelelano1. Ku zwa kwa makalelo, Litunga wa Bulozi u bile ya sebelize hande ni Mubuso fa litaba za mubu, mi u lumezi kuli Muso wa Zambia u ka na u itusisa mubu o’ tokwahala ka misebezi ya sicaba. Ka cwalo, Mulonga wa Bulozi u ta sebelisana ni Mubuso mwa taba mo ka mukwa o’ swana ni mo Mubuso u itusiseza mubu o’ bizwa ‘’Reserve’’ ni ‘’Trust’’. Mi luli ni haiba ku kala kwa makalelo zamaiso ya mubu mwa Bulozi ne i li mwa tas’a Mulao wa Sizo ka mo ne i sebelisezwa ki Litunga ni Mulonga kwa swana ni litukelo za mubu ka Sizo mwa libaka zeňwi mwa naha ya Zambia ka Mulao wa mubu wa Reserve ni Trust.
2. Ka ona muinelo woo kwa lumelwa kuli Litunga u ka zwela pili ku ba ni maata a matuna mwa zamaiso ya mubu mwa Bulozi. Ni ha kuli cwalo ku butokwa ku nyakisisa muinelo wa mubu mwa Bulozi ha lu bapisa ni buikalabelo bwa Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia fa mubu kaufela mwa naha.
3. Maikuto a Bulozi a lumela kuli Bulozi bu ta ba kalulo ya Northern Rhodesia. Ka mukwa o’ cwalo Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia u na ni ku inga maata a maňwi kuli u kone ku peta buikalabelo bwa wona. Ha ili ka za mubu kwand’a ku tiiseza maata amatuna ku Litunga fa halimw’a litaba za Sizo.Lika li ta ba sina cwana1. Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia ha u tabeli ku kusufaza kwa maata afi kappa afi a sebeliswa ki Litunga ni Mulonga fa litaba za mubu ka Mulao wa Sizo.2. Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia u ka lata ku bona kuli litukiso za misebezi ya sicaba ni zwelopili ya sifumu sa mwa Bulozi ha li palelwiswi ki miinelo ye miňwi.3. Mubuso wa Northern Rhodesia u lumela kuli ku ba’nge ni lipuisano mwa hal’a wona. Litunga ni Mulonga wa hae pili Muso u si ka itusisa kale mubu kwa misebezi ya sicaba mwa Bulozi.4. Cwale buino bwa mubu mwa Bulozi Northern Rhodesia ha i se i fumani tukuluho bu ta ba cwana:-a. Ku ta ba ni zamaiso ya mubu ye swana hamoho cwalo ni Bulozi mwa naha kaufela ya Northern Rhodesia. Liluko la Muso le li talima za mubu ki lona le li ta na li fa likelezo za bucaziba kwa neku la ku itusisa mubu mwa Northern Rhodesia mi ha ku fanwa mubu, mapampili a fanwa ki ona a ta itusiswangwa mwa mikwa ye cwale ka:-
i. Mubusoii. Ni ye si ya Mubuso mane ni ye si yo mwa Sizo.Litukiso za maňolo a ku fana mubu li lukela ku ezwangwa ki ba liluko le li talima za mubub. Mulena yo Muhulu ni Kuta ya hae ba ta ba feela ni buikalabelo fa halimw’a mubu wa sizo mwa Bulozi.I hatisizwe mwa England ni ku hasanywa ki
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